Purchasing a high-value item or service online from an entity you are not familiar with carries great risk.
You cannot determine the trustworthiness of the entity and run the risk of being defrauded. EscrowGuardians.com offers you the peace of mind you need to make any purchase.
We will not release funds to the seller until you have received the item and are satisfied with the transaction.
We also ensure that the seller provides tracking information on the transaction, if applicable.
EscrowGuardians.com’s escrow service allows customers to buy and sell a variety of products and services.
Whether you have an online store, marketplace, auction site or other platform, our service is an excellent way to protect you and your customers, regardless of the value of the transaction.
Escrow Guardians’ services also offer several advantages to sellers when conducting transactions. Although these services are usually associated with buyer protection, sellers can also benefit in several ways: Increased credibility: